Here is the facial minikit for a 360° beauty routine! Minisizes to offer you every day, together with your favorite cosmetics, a complete skin treatment.
Composed of:
1) Mini Yellow Fine Silk (1gr) (3-4 cm ca)
2) 100% Loofah fiber disk (6 cm ca)
3) Face Brown Honeycomb 1/2 gr (5 cm ca)
Dopo l'uso: Sciacquare molto bene dopo l’uso con acqua corrente e lasciar asciugare in un posto ben ventilato. I residui di detergente/sapone all'interno della spugna, potrebbero rovinarla o comprometterne l'utilizzo molto prima del tempo.
Avvertenze: non bollire, non utilizzare con acqua bollente e non lavare assolutamente in lavatrice.
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We commit to offer a wide range of innovative natural products for face, body and hair care, but our true passion are Natural Sea Sponges, native to the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas, of which we handle the entire production process. We are proud to carry on a pioneering vision of a functional beauty - that brings wellbeing and happiness of feeling good with your body. Our mission is to convey the importance to use natural accessories that respect the skin and improve the applied cosmetics’ properties and benefits.